
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Unbelievable, Teaching Can Make You Rich

5 Richest Teacher 

It is often said that you don’t go into teaching for the money, and in most cases that is true. Teachers work long hours for very little pay and it is a very demanding job. However there are a few teachers who have managed to pull themselves up out of the grind to amass substantial fortunes. Take a look at the 10 richest teachers in America.

1. David Cheriton – Net Worth $3.3 billion

David Cheriton lives a frugal lifestyle despite the fact that his investments have made him a billionaire. As one of the very first investors in Google he has amassed a wealth that most teachers only dream of. Despite his wealth and his investments and his business involvements, he remains a professor at Stanford University in California.

2. Henry Samueli – Net Worth $2.4 billion

With a wealth that few people would ever associate with a teacher, Henry Samueli is the epitome of a success. He is an adjunct professor at UCLA but his wealth comes from his more than 70 patents and his company Broadcom Corporation. It was in 2015 that Forbes placed his current wealth at $2.4 billion.

3. David N. Silvers -Annual Salary $4.33 million

David N. Silvers is the highest paid professor in the United States. He is a professor at Columbia University teaching dermatology and pathology. He is also director the of dermatopathology lab. He is well known as an expert in his field and the lab he directs on the campus requires a specialized knowledge that very few have.

4. Zen Rosenwaks – Annual Salary $3.3 million

Zen Rosenwaks is a professor of obstetrics and gynecology and he is the director and physician-in-chief at the university’s center for reproductive medicine. He known worldwide for his work in reproduction and he was even director of the team that performed the first IVF treatment in the United States. He is also known for creating the first egg donation program in the U.S

5. Dean Takahashi – Annual Salary $2.6 million

In most cases adjunct professors do not command a large salary, often much lower than the other professors at the university. However Dean Takahashi, adjunct professor of the Practice of Finance at Yale Management commands an exceptional salary. The fact that he is also the Director of Investments at Yale may help account for the salary.


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