
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Digitally Oriented Businesses, Unlimited Outcome

With almost three billion users and tens of millions of businesses online, the Internet offers a unique opportunity for companies to reach their potential customers more easily than ever before. Exporting, or globally expanding using the Internet, can be profitable for businesses of all sizes including SMEs. On the average, sales grow faster, more jobs are created, and employees earn more than in non-exporting firms.
Exports will play a key role in the recovery of the Nigerian economy. Every day we see Nigerian businesses using Google not just as a search engine, but also as a growth engine powering their businesses to sell overseas. Whether they use our tools to find new markets, advertise to new customers or communicate in multiple languages, these businesses are finding great opportunities in digitally-led exports.
Here is some advice for companies that have an established presence online but which have yet to take the plunge to begin exporting:
First, find new target markets.
Powerful marketing tools and free translation tools already exist online to help businesses attract, communicate with, and sell to audiences everywhere in the world.   For example, by using Google Global Market Finder, businesses can find audiences around the world that are likely to be interested in their products or services. It uses data from Internet searches around the world to show the number of times people search for keywords relevant to your business. It covers 56 languages and also provides cost and competitive estimates. This information can help a business to review the estimated cost of acquiring a new customer and to determine whether targeting a particular market is a good investment. You’ll find this if you search for Google Global Market Finder in your Internet browser.
It’s also worth checking out another free service, Google Trends at This lets you see what people have been searching for, from anywhere in the world. For example, if you want to find out if anyone in the US searched over the last month for Aso Oke, Google Trends gives you an instant snapshot of the interest in Aso Oke.
Secondly, connect locally
When you’re exporting in particular to non-English speaking markets, it’s necessary for a business to adapt to local consumer needs. To help with this, Google commissioned an online survey of consumers in 56 countries, with around 3000 interviews in each country to produce a consumer barometer. For your business, this means that, whenever you want to dig into the data for a specific demographic/product in a target country, you will be able to consult good quality data which will help you make the right decision. This data is freely available at
You can then use these insights to adapt your site, marketing materials, and advertisements to the local languages of its target markets. This is recommended business practice, even in countries where a high percentage of the population speaks English fluently.
So, whether you’re looking for a quick translation to test your site with different audiences or a more formal translation, free online tools such as Google’s Website Translator plugin for websites can save you time and money. This tool will make your website instantly international. You can control which parts of your site are translated, adding a snippet of code to any sections you want to leave in their current language. By tracking page views on your translated site, you can decide whether to invest in the complete localisation of your website. For example, if your site receives lots of French or Spanish speakers, you may want to translate it into French and Spanish to improve the user experience for these potential customers.
Thirdly, help potential customers to find your business online
By using online advertising, your business can reach relevant audiences of scale. No matter what the advertising budget may be you can show ads when people search online. Showing ads next to relevant search results means that a business is advertising to an audience that’s already interested in their product or service.
Finally, internationalise your business
There are some logistical and legal requirements to operating in an international environment. Here is a quick checklist for your business – We at Google haven’t covered everything here so come and talk to us if you have more specific questions:
Electronic payments
Simplify your international sales with electronic payments. You should make sure that you can process transactions with the most common international cards, such as Visa or MasterCard. Payment options are an important element of online shopping so investigate the various online payment systems common to different countries.
At Google, we are optimistic of the opportunities for growth in Nigeria and of the vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystems that are supported by the Internet.
Companies need to learn how to use these online tools to develop insights to understand the export opportunities and to navigate language, cultural and commercial differences in external markets. The potential rewards of doing so make good business sense and can help turn a good business into a stellar performing one.

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