
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Keys of Success

What do I need to succeed? This is the question many youths ask themselves, there are many things you need to succeed. What am about to tell you should not be taken as any other knowledge, information is key.

You always heard people say do not make critical decisions when you are not yourself, because making judgment when you are in a vulnerable position leads to life time regret. Comfort is what some people sacrifice for money and power but yet they do not enjoy what they have worked for. At all cost be comfortable before you think of success.

Step by step

We are all in a century of rat race and rush hour, we prefer to be busy than productive, but been busy does not take you further it just waste your time. If you are comfortable and relaxed every decision is taken step by step, when items are packed together we start by removing the ones on top. Take your time and gently do not make rash decision because of the quick success.


For every document you pick first before another, skim through the project, idea, article etc. have a little grasp of what you are about to embark on for you to visualize how to go about it. When you buy a book which is informative and have large numbers of text, you scan through the preface, acknowledgment, introduction, table of contents, index etc. for to have an idea of what the book is about if it is interesting or not.


When you know the magnitude and intensity of the projects or ideas then you gather the necessary skills, tools and skillset to embark and make that project into success. 


This section is supposed to be under tools but it is so vast a section to put under another. Knowledge is information assimilated and understood, knowing the magnitude of your project gives you a hint if your knowledge is enough or not. How do you get knowledge? You get knowledge form books, experience, mentors, internet etc. so use the knowledge around you around you to manifest your success.


Do not expect that success will be easy to get after reading the sections above, success does not come easily, this is where you use your brain, reasoning and intellect  to solve the puzzle of success and overcome, success is like a game of the mind, body and spirit play it right and you win but it requires a lot of in-depth thinking.

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