
Saturday, January 21, 2017

GPA - Grade Point Average, CGPA - Cumulative Grade Point Average

This section is designed to acquaint students with the procedure for computing the Grade Point Average (GPA) for each set of semester examinations and for upgrading the computations to obtain the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) at any point in time during each students course of study.

Student Workload: This is defined in terms of courses units. One unit represents one hour of lecture or one hour of Tutorial or 2-4 hours of practical work per week throughout a semester. Thus for example, a course in which there are 2 hours of lectures and 1 hour of Tutorial per week is a 3-unit course.

Total Load Units (TLU): This is the total number of course units carried by a student in a particular semester. It is the summation of the load Units on all Courses carried during the semester. For example, a student who is carrying 6 courses of 3 units each has a TLU of 18 for that semester.

Commutative Load Units (CLU): This is the summation of Total Load units over all the semesters from the beginning to date. A student who is prone to repeating courses will finish (if he does not drop out) with a higher CLU than his non- repeating colleague and will most likely require a longer time to complete requirements for the award of Degrees.

Level of Performance Rating: This is the rating of grades obtained in terms of credit points per load unit. The rating used is as follows:
Level of Performance Rating (credit points per unit)
  • A (70-100%) – 5
  • B (60-69%) – 4
  • C (50-59%) – 3
  • D (45-49%) – 2
  • E (40-44%) – 1
  • F (0-39%) – 0
Based on the above, a student who obtained a grade of ‘A’ in a unit course has scored 20 Credit points, and one who obtained a grade of C in that course has scored 12 Credit points.

Total Credit Points TCP: This is the sum of the products of the course units and rating in each course, for the entire semester period. For example, consider a student who took courses of 5 units each. Let’s say the grade obtained in the four courses were C.B.F.D respectively. The TCP of this study is obtained as 5×3+5×4+5×0+5×2=45.

Cumulative Credit Points CCP: This is the summation of Total credit points over all semesters form beginning to date.

Grade Point Average GRA: This is the total credit points [TCP] divided by the total load units [TLU], for example, consider the student’s scores referred to in section 2.5. His TCP is 45, and of course, his TLU is 20 [i.e. 4 courses at 5 units each, for the semester]. The highest GPA that can be earned is 5.0 and that is when a student has earned a grade of ‘A’ in every course during the semester. The lowest GPA obtainable is 0.0 and
this would happen if the student has F all round during the semester.

Cumulative Grade Point Average [CGPA]: This is not the summation of GPAs for all semesters. Rather, it is the summation of TCPs for all semesters, divided by the summation of TLUs for the said semesters. Like the GPA, CGPA, obtainable ranges from 0 to 5.

  • Withdrawal from the University
A student whose CGPA falls below 1.0 at the end of a semester shall be placed on probation during the following semester. If he/she fails to achieve a CGPA of at least 1.0 at the end of that semester, he/she shall be required to withdraw from the University.
  • Final Assessment and Class of Degree: A student who has satisfactorily completed all requirements for the degree with CGPA of not less than 1.50 may be awarded an Honour degree as follows:
    • First Class: 4.50 and above
    • Second Class Upper: 3.50-4.49
    • Second Class Lower: 2.50-3.49
    • Third Class: 1.50-2.49
  •  A candidate who does not reach a CGPA of 1.50 but whose CGPA is not less than 1.00 at the end of the programme is awarded a pass degree [i.e. without Honours]

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